Creative Coaching Certification For Human Design Specialists (Level 2) Diy
This is the LEVEL 2 DIY (do-it-yourself) process of Circuitry and more!
You will be receive the basics of the Circuitry groups (the frequency of Definition), the RED (unconscious - your Body - aka your Design) & The BLACK (conscious - who you think you think you are - your mind - aka your PERSONALITY), and how to navigate between these two.
The force of the Centers is also covered… The Individual, Tribal, and Collective pressures on each of the Centers, along with where the Centers correlate to the body.
We’ll also cover Definition/Assimilation, as seen in the Human Design perspective and through the BG5 lens, the Astrological influences on the chart, and provide an overview of the Profile (your costume in life, aka how the world sees you).
Of course, continued support is also offered on how to De-Condition, which is particularly important, as we move towards the 2027 mutation.
We are moving into the Era of the Individual, so understanding how this Circitry operates is vital.
The Tribal systems, including Government, religion, banks, and other large institutions, will lose their power and grip on people.
The Collective will need to understand that their only authority is their own INNER AUTHORITY!
You will learn how to track and manage these changes, as well as assist others during these important times.
Within 3 business days of your purchase, you will be given access to the LEVEL 2 Certification program.
The methods of instruction will include pre-recorded LIVE classes, modules, downloadable materials, and contemplations to journal.
This is the next leg of this life-empowering, power journey... more deconditioning, more mutating of the way you see your life and the lives of those around you.
This is also continues the process of your learning how to read charts, and becoming a certified Human Design Specialist.
If you are interested in LEVEL 3 and beyond and/or prefer learning Levels 1 or 2 LIVE, please contact us for more details, using our CONTACT US form.
PLEASE NOTE: Although this LEVEL 2 course is a pre-requisite for eventual certification, many people only want the information and are not interested in certification. If you ARE insterested in certification, and want this class to be officially recognized towards your certification, please note that successful completion of an assigned LEVEL 2 project will be required, so that we can make sure you understand the material covered.
Please be sure to read these guidelines (click HERE), if becoming certified is your aim. If you are only interested in learning the material for your personal, non-professional use and benefit, then nothing further is needed, but to enjoy and be enriched by the material.
Please READ THE TERMS (click HERE) governing your use of Raquel and Davidian's classes.